Russia and Tajikistan plan nuclear cooperation

Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Russia and Tajikistan yesterday signed an agreement on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to the Central Asian country. Tajikistan is mineral-rich and has some uranium deposits, but most of its electricity is hydroelectric, with a small part sourced from natural gas.

Russia and Tajikistan yesterday signed an agreement on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to the Central Asian country. Tajikistan is mineral-rich and has some uranium deposits, but most of its electricity is hydroelectric, with a small part sourced from natural gas.

The agreement was signed by Farhod Rakhimov, president of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, on behalf of the Tajik government, and Alexey Likhachov, director general of Rosatom, on behalf of the Russian government.

It provides the legal basis for interaction between the two countries in the nuclear power sector for the first time in history, while outlining cooperation in: the design, construction, operation and decommissioning of research reactors; used fuel and radioactive waste management; rehabilitation of tailing storage areas and utilization of decommissioned uranium mining and reprocessing facilities; production of radioisotopes; use of nuclear technology in industry, medicine and agriculture; education and training of highly skilled personnel for the nuclear power industry.

The two countries plan to form a joint coordination commission to manage this cooperation, with Rosatom's Central Asia office supporting nuclear companies in business development in Tajikistan.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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